School Assignment:

This was done almost two years ago for my 3D Design class.  We had to create a relief pattern that was inspired by nature.  I chose mountains, although one could argue for clouds too.  Except me. I will tell you the inspiration was mountains.  Anyways, here are some new shots I took of over the weekend.  I also finally hung it.  Yes...hung it with pink tape.  (you caught me)  I use that stuff like crazy.  I love the way the pink stripe plays off the relief pattern, which is why I chose to position it right above the end of my "mountain mural" in my bedroom/livingroom/workoutroom/everythingroom.  Three cheers for studio living!  [crickets]

Bottom Line:
Taking these pictures made me realize how beautiful this is.  I want to make more.  Stay tuned...

Dock 6 Collective:

image credit: Dock 6 Collective Blog
Dock 6 Collective is something I've been excited about for awhile, but had no idea they hosted an event where I could go inside this fabulous warehouse full of the blood sweat & tears of designers making things (mostly furniture) happen!  I fantasize about doing my internship with them.  Oh man!  It would be stellar.

Bottom Line:  This is where I'll be come 5/4.     

ps: stay tuned for where else i'll be on 5/4!


"As a skilled DJ Massimo Giorgetti is able to mix and match his passion and the artistic and aesthetic expressions of artists connected to web world. The outcome: a Kaleidoscope world made of colours, shapes and lines capable of inexorably catching the public interest and attention and acknowledging MSGM as one the most intriguing brand of the moment." 

Serena Olivieri:

Through, non other than Pinterest, I was directed to Serena Olivieri's Tumblr.  This Italian gal is one to watch!  I especially love her color studies.  Here, her animated pattern makes me think: Spring 

On a personal note:
Finals end this week & I'll be taking a semester off. I'm just so darn excited to have some breathing time.  My apartment is a wreck and I'm having a hard time controlling my urges for "treats"; it's amazing how easy it is to find excuses to give yourself these "treats" (food, shopping, etc) under the pressures of finals.  Four hours of work does not equal new shoes.  Alas, I stayed strong.

Cheers to:
spring // color studies // italian chicks // free time


I fancied up some craft paper for a friend's gift.  Yes, her name starts with an E.
Using pastels: Starting to become something...
Finished and I'll be taking another whack at this, sans adhesive spray.
Sketches in my Fashionary aka: Dreaming
After my last post, I said, "What the hell, I'm gonna do it!"  I present to you: Tape Mountain: It's electric.
(ps: excuse the mess)

This is what inspires me to post!

I have found the mecca of all work spaces.  This is the kind of thing I see among the vast pit, Internet, and immediately feel a connection. Yes, a connection to a work space.  It happens HAPPENED.

These photos are from Apartment Therapy's feature of a shared work space between these super duper cool people:
Bri Emery of Design Love Fest  // Brian Morrow + Jonathan Lynch of Sharkpig  // Steve Pappin of Son Of A Shark Pig // Max Wanger of Max Wanger Photo // Michael Antonia of The Flashdance Yeah! Rentals // Emma Robertson of EmmaDime
imagine BURSTING into THAT door every morning!  i know i'd BURST

the aforementioned super duper cool 
the flooring jackpot!

headed down the stairs:  i'd 1st start a song & then gaze at my bitchin' map mural.  PINK.

great view of the space.  LIGHTING.  it's top notch.

holy moly super rad tape mural.  it literally gives me energy, IT'S SO AMAZING!

i want to touch it.  

emma richardson's desk.  um hello.  i'm totally wrapping stick in neon thread.  the heck with cowbell...i must have more NEON.

I would never leave work if this was my space.  I mean that tape mural on the wall?!?  That is the kind of thing I see & want to immediately go out & buy even more fabulously bright tape & recreate my own version.  Ten million A+'s to Bramble Workshop, for her genius.  Ten millions F-'s to me for being such a loser and not dedicating more time to explore my abilities.  

Full details of their space HERE!.