
A couple weeks ago, I finished a study in line & dots.  Hard to really see the detail in these photos, but my plan now is to increase the scale.  I love taking time to practice little drawings like this at home.  With mountains a forever source of inspiration for me, I tried to create a piece that reflected the ups & downs of life with a backdrop of mountains.  The solids black lines represent the ebb & flow of life among those "mountains."  The top photo is its current state, since the bottom has been put through Instagram and I decided the pink tape around the entire piece was too much.  

Overall, it just makes me happy and I can't wait to recreate this on a larger scale & then begin to make different versions.  I'm starting to get a nice little collection of self-made art in my home and that brings me a sense of fulfillment. 

Etsy Find: Art for the Kitchen

I stumbled upon the Etsy shop anek several months ago & still have items saved in my cart for "a someday purchase".  Do you ever do that?  You should check anek out if you are looking for some stylish prints for your kitchen; they offer 71 items!

Here are my three favs:

Italian for: A little kitchen makes large home
image source: the anek shop

Under $50: Spring Me

I have been SO swamped with school & work these days, my posts have been slacking.  Not to mention that sometimes I feel like a doofus.  I just can't compete with these mega bloggers and I think that's ok.  I'm still committed to honing myself here & I just hope I can figure things out a little more and in turn develop more posts.

Today is the second consecutive day in Chicago with 60+ degree weather.  And let me tell has felt VONDerful!  Naturally there's a spring in everyone's step and with the time change this Sunday, my excitement for Spring is at an all time high.  With the season change, I, of course, have been thinking  obsessing over new clothes.  One trend I would love to try is the sock/sandal (or heel) combo, which is why I included it below.  I love the offbeat vibe it lends to an outfit and I just love the change of a season!

Spring Me