iPhone Photos + Instagram

Here are some photos from my recent trip to Florida.  I went to attend the wedding of my BF's sister.  Their cousin, Stephen Govel, was the wedding photographer and you can see some of his shots of the day on his blog.  Check him out, he's amazing and has traveled the world taking photos.  He also met his fiance, Madeleine, through the process who is also an amazing photographer. Needless to say, I came away from the long weekend very much inspired.  Enjoy!


::The Beetle Shack:: said...

i am obsessed with instagram at the moment! and you are right, what an amazing photographer!

xo em

Erin said...

They make it so easy too! And did you know about this: www.stickygram.com? Turn your photos into magnets! There's also another site that will put your instagrams on a canvas. :))