Shades, Yo!

We actually have full on sun today in Chicago and as much as I do love a good gray day, it feels VON-derful DAH-ling.  One of the most exciting things about the sun being out are SHADES!  They are such a great way to showcase your individual style.  So on my way in to work (sportin' my shades, yo) I wondered... what is on the market these days?

Here are some that speak to me:

  So enjoy the sun!  Enjoy yo shades!!  And enjoy the freakin' weekend!!!

An Explosion

I knew I liked instrumental music when I fell head over heels in love with Ratatat.  Then came Explosions In The Sky and I found such solace in their music.  It's so beautiful, uplifting and peaceful.  As a woman, who has yet to get married, I often think about what type of wedding I'll have.  One idea I can not let go of is walking down the aisle to the beautifully calm melodies found in EITS.

Since I'm obsessed with this video, I wanted to share.  It makes me feel so many emotions.  I love the balloons and the way they seem to go perfect with this song.  And the title...So Long, Lonesome.  What a beautiful thought.  I grew up in a pretty large (i have 5 siblings) family and I've always had a large group of friends, so it would seem weird to think I could have ever felt lonely, but I have.  Who hasn't felt lonely?

You aren't alone, my friend.  Enjoy the EXPLOSION...


I love gray

Pretty self explantory and boy am I getting my fair share of it these days. Here in The Mid it has been gray for days and days and what seems like DAYS. All this gray has me thinking: furniture. I plan on having my own place sometime in 2012 and want to start saving for my first of everything now. I have been oogling at this couch for over a year now. I hope it's around when I can afford it. It's perfect. In keeping with my beloved gray, I'd create a base of it and add in punchy colors to jazz it up.

Anyways, that is all. I survived finals and have a two week break from school and it feels down right wonderful! The feeling is so great that I actually feel like the sun is shining down on me, without the annoyance of the actual sun* shining in my face. Ugh...I'm getting hot thinking about it.

*Vacation sun is totally different & I welcome that with open arms and... a pool and ice cold beer!



I have long been a fan of TOMS.  I got my first pair back in 2006 and have sworn by them since.  It's great to see companies that have a consciousness and are focused on helping those less fortunate.  So it brings me great joy to share this video:

The Next Chapter

I can't wait to see what Blake is talking about here.  If you have yet to discover a versatile, comfortable, throw on & go shoe for the warmer weather (that i'm sure is 'just around the corner') check out the TOMS site @


You know you live in a Mexican neighborhood when...

Yup, that's my grocery.  Seriously!  I bought 5; limes go bad too ya know.  I also scored some very spicy salsa verde.  Saturday was really fun.  I made tacos and homemade quac and it was the first time in a very long time I made, well, anything.  Sunday morning became a real treat too as i used leftovers to make breakfast burritos, for myself. 

I ate three. True story.  Now if I can only make it through this week of finals!

Thank You, AT&T

I could not be happier with my Verizon iPhone.  I recently made The Switch.  I never thought I would as Verizon never appealed to me with their gross black & red branding, but here I am Verizon customer --with a new phone number to boot.  Now, if you've picked up on my use of the word crazy in past posts, you can image the anxiety I felt in making such a big change.  Yes that sounds really dramatic & just plain dumb, but oh it's true.  I just wasn't sure if I wanted to peace out from a company I had been with for so long (2005 -- which btw, is when I got my first cell phone!).  What if this goes wrong, what if that goes wrong?  (My head never stops, I swear.)  That said, I was ready to take "the risk" because I simply had terrible service with AT&T -- dropped calls everywhere.  Then, AT&T creates a commerical to seem super, ultra, cool to highlight a "leg up" on Verizon.  Enter the diner commerical "Wanna Bet"...

 My point in all of this is "Way to make your customers look like total assholes, AT&T."  Seriously, how freaking rude is this guy?  No waitress would be so into/cool with how rude this guy is being.  You've seen them...the people that take calls in the check out line & pull shit like this when it's time to order. 

So Thank You, AT&T you made me feel so much better.


Confused?  I am too actually.  As to why my favorite dry shampoo spray decided to reinvent their already perfect product.  I'm talking about Ojon's Rub Out dry shampoo.  It was my miracle product.  You know the product you qualifiy as your Go To!, Must Have!, Stranded Island Top 5!?  Ojon's Rob Out dry shampoo WAS that.  The product now contains licorice root bark something, something and let me tell you, as someone (one of the few out there) that actually loves licorice this product doesn't smell good.  The old version?  Heavenly.  (as heavenly as chemicals can smell that is, but it was a great scent!) 

So, you have been warned.  If this was also one of your favs, beware...the outside design and description aren't the only things to change.  I even think it's less effective and has me using more. 

Back to the spraying board...

Old (WONDERFUL) product:
regular size
New (STUPID) product:

travel size
images via google images via

Oh, the...

image via Google Images via

Is it wrong that I want to use my pepper spray?
Is it worse that I want it to be on a rat?

Yes, I'm excited about Spring.  Who isn't that lives in Chicago?  It has been months since I haven't worn a coat that seemingly weighs 5 pounds everywhere.  But with that nice weather comes little nasty rats that scurry about and so it begins...  my incessant fear of rats.  It's an everyday battle that finds a welcoming reprieve in the Winter.   It's also a battle with myself to stop feeling like such a loser & just accept that they won't attack me.  NO!  I won't.  I can't.  They are SO GROSS and I just can't.  EW.  

And the answer to the above questions is NO!  And given the chance, I so will and it will be victorious.

Oh, IF.

After I came back in from the cold, rainy day we are having in Chicago I thought, "I wonder what I'd be rocking IF...?"

Oh, IF.

T by Alexander Wang ribbed tee
74 GBP -

TopShop cape coat
$50 -

Hunter tall boot
70 GBP -

Goorin browning hat
30 GBP -

Guy de Jean Striped Pliant Auto
$70 -

I'm Thankful, dammit!

In the spirit of being thankful and realizing how lucky I am, I've decided to make a list.  This way whenever I'm feeling down or simply unthankful I have somewhere to go for some straight up clarity!  (i need this a lot)

I'm thankful for...
1. my winter boots (quality & affordability sometimes do meet)
2. the bright sunny sweater I'm wearing, that I always get compliments on, that was given to me by my roomie
3. my roomie...she always listens to my crazy and supplies most of my furniture
4. the fact it's FRIDAY
5. being able to see my sister this weekend!
6. coffee
7. having such supportive friends -- sometimes i wonder how they deal with my aforementioned crazy
8. my new pillow.  i love her.
9. all of my family, including the newest addition Max!
10. my most chill and understanding and passionate and thoughtful and stylish and caring (and the list goes on & on) boyfriend.  thank you for dealing most with my crazy. 

Happy Friday!  May you feel thankful for all the little and big things in your life today.

Pillow Talk

I made a pillow this weekend!  Yup, I finally attended my Sewing 101 class.  It was by far the most productive thing I've done, in the last two weekends.

Check it out...

Here is the pattern detail.  It was designed by Jay McCarroll, one of the winners of Project Runway.

Here it's paired with my existing pillow.  The new one turned out to be a little more blue, as the existing is a little more green, but I love the combo!

I got enough fabric to eventually make a mate for my little pillow and I look forward to taking more classes at The Needle Shop. My BF really hit the ball out of the park with this birthday gift!