My Weekend:

Personal Photos: iPhone & Instagram

My Fall weekends have been full of activities, which has been great, but come Sunday, I find myself wondering where all my relaxation time went?  It will be here soon enough, with Winter lurking in the corner.  Something I'm very excited about actually.  We are having a couple 70 degrees days here this week in Chicago and honestly, I find it disgusting -- so many gorgeously colored trees though!

This weekend, after my Saturday morning run, I participated in the Making Strides Breast Cancer walk, down along the Lake.  Later in the evening, I attended a surprise wine party where each guest brings two identical bottles of wine.  One bottle gets tasted by all guests and then scored.  The other bottle sets back & when the scores are tallied up, the guest who brought the winning wine, gets all the unopened bottles.  It was a really fun, low-key evening to a busy day.  Sunday, I attempted rice crispy treats -- I already have a couple ways to tweak the process for round two -- adding more marshmallows, turning the heat even lower -- as my finished result turned out to be not worth sharing.  Of course, the BF is ok with that.  

Here's to another week where I'll be...
  • preparing to register for Spring semester (after two semesters off)
  • getting my Monday & Wednesday runs in... maybe even a Tuesday too and
  • YAY...Parenthood is back this week!

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