Lucky Number 7!

Day 7 is on!  Here's what my day entails:
Body: Workout Flow in slow-mo. Do the A and B series 3 times each at normal speed, and then switch to super-slow 3 times each for improved strength and balance. Follow with 30 minutes of cardio (no intervals). Try to hold Plank pose for 90 seconds.
Mind: Breathe for 8 minutes to balance the physical exertion with a little mental rest. Each time a thought comes up, simply observe it, and then let it go.
Life: Speak up. Letting things slide may end up hurting you. Today, make a point of expressing your concerns, whether with a coworker or your spouse.

Read more at 10-Day Reboot 

Bow Wow may always seem 12 to me, but whatevs...
I ain't bumpin' like he's bumpin'.

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